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Chicken Pasta Recipe



For the lemon cream chicken sauce:

800 g minced chicken breast (boneless, skinless)

2 tablespoons of olive oil (or butter)

1 large shallot, finely chopped

3 garlic cloves, chopped

Salt and pepper

1 cup | 250 ml of chicken (or vegetable) broth

2 tablespoons of lemon juice (more or less according to your taste)

1 teaspoon of paprika

½ cup | 125 ml of liquid cream (35% cream in Canada, heavy cream in the USA)

¼ to ½ cup grated Parmesan (optional)

2 tablespoons of chopped flat-leaf parsley (or other aromatic herbs: thyme, oregano …)

For the pasta:

250 g of pasta (more or less according to taste, up to 500 g)


To serve :

Chopped fresh parsley (optional)

Lemon slices (optional)


For the lemon cream chicken sauce:

Heat the olive oil in a llarge pan or casserole dish.

Salt and pepper your minced chicken.

Quickly brown the minced chicken in the skillet over high heat on all sides. If your pan is small, do this several times. You have to put in a few pieces at a time, without filling the pan. As you go, set aside in a covered plate.

In the same pan, brown the minced shallot (add a little oil or butter if necessary).

Add the garlic and paprika. Mix and cook quickly without burning the garlic. Lightly salt and pepper.

Add the lemon juice, broth, and cream. Bring to a boill, lower the heat, and let the sauce thicken.

If you are using parmesan or other creamy cheese, add it.

Return the minced chicken to the sauce. Add the parsley. Leave to heat for 2 minutes. It’s ready.

Remember that the sauce will thiicken more as it cools.

Pasta :

While you’re making the sauce, cook your pasta to save time.

Boil a large amount of sallted water in a saucepan or casserole dish.

Add your pasta and cook for 8 to 12 minutes, or according to package directions. Mix once or twice at the beginning to prevent the pasta from sticking together.

To serve:

Either you mix your drained pasta with the chicken sauce.

Either you divide the pasta between plates and you put sauce on it.

Optionally, sprinkle with chopped parsley and decorate with lemon slices. Enjoy your meal!

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