This is a quick and easy recipe for cheese danish that my family simply adores. We love it best still warm from the oven, but it will keep well for a couple of days if it’s well covered and placed in the refrigerator.
Easy Breakfast Cheese Danish
1whole large egg and 1 egg white.
2 PKG cream cheese.
1 1/3 cans crescent rolls [ ready to use ].
1 cup granulated white sugar.
1/2 tbsp pure vanilla extract.
For the Glaze I used :
1 cup of powdered sugar.
1/2 cup whole milk.
1 tsp vanilla extract.
I preheated oven to 350 degrees F.
In a large mixing bowl, I mixed together cream cheese, vanilla, egg, and sugar, beating well.
In a greased pan, I laid a pack o crescent rolls and I poured cream cheese mixture over the crescent rolls.
I added one more layer of crescent rolls and brushed with egg with.
I baked for a half-hour.
For the topping, I combined the Glaze ingredients and poured it over top.
Let it cool for 10 minutes.